Operation Santa
More about Operation Santa
PS55 is an elementary school in the Bronx located between two housing projects and a homeless shelter. ALL the students at the school are living below the poverty level and all the children at the school are eligible for free lunches. Although PS55 is only a short drive from home, our two communities are poles apart in fortune and opportunity.
Operation Santa 2
Our goal is to provide holiday gifts for the 350 students in need who make up grades 3, 4 and 5 at PS55. Each child will receive a drawstring bag filled both with necessities and small, fun gifts. These items are generously donated by local businesses, community members and friends – like you.
Old Greenwich School is supporting our efforts by involving our community in collecting donations and packing the drawstring bags.
Check out our Facebook page for more information on, and photos of, our previous visits to PS55. You'll see for yourself how genuinely delighted these children, who have so little, are to receive your gifts. We will also keep you updated on Facebook about progress this year and, for those of you who would find it useful, will post some links to suggestions of specific items to donate.