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School Safety


Message from the Principal:

Plaza/Parking Lot Safety

It is the time of year when we need to do a reminder about safety outside. Visions of Michael Keaton in Mr. Mom are running through my head as I type this with the refrain of the traffic coordinator telling him, "You're doing it wrong." (I am clearly dating myself if you haven't seen this classic from 1983)

1. Dogs - Please remember we have small children and dogs on the plaza can be daunting and dangerous. We ask you to keep dogs to the sidewalk in front of the school or at home during arrival and dismissal.

2. Tree climbers - We've had several tree climbers of late. We have no way of knowing the stability of the trees in front of school and it is quite dangerous to have children climbing them. Please discourage your tree climbers for their safety (and to quell the anxiety of the teachers who are always on duty even when they are off duty and worried about the children getting hurt)

3. Early morning drop off for music and other activities - Parking Lot Safety

Please remember to only drop off your children on the building side of the driveway.

You will have to loop around the parking lot and let children out of the car when your car is facing Sound Beach Avenue. Letting them off on the other side is dangerous as those driving in correctly can not see the children as they dart across the driveway.

Additionally - please remember to only leave the children if the flag is hanging at the back door - if there is no flag there is not an adult there to meet the children and it is not safe to leave them there alone.

Many thanks for helping us maintain the safety for everyone in our OGS community.