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Photo Submissions

OGS PTA Photo Submissions for Digital Display and Yearbook

Email photos to:

We are always looking for fun pictures for the yearbook and the front hall digital display, whether it’s from a class event, field trip, school wide event, or just pictures from the playground! Please share your photos with us.

Questions: Contact

General Guidelines for Photo Submission for Digital Display

Picture parameters:

  • OGS students only and must be from a school-sponsored event;
  • Maximum limit 10 pictures per event, unless permission granted via email from;
  • High resolution photos are best (1 megabyte or above). We cannot use photos less than 200KB;
  • Action shots preferred in order to portray the event;
  • Groups of students needed most, but individual shots also welcome; and
  • Horizontal orientation when possible. Horizontal pictures are required for the front hall display; any photos are acceptable for the yearbook or publicity.

Submission procedures for OGS families:

  • Email photos to;
  • Subject line should include grade of students and a brief description of event;
  • If sending from iPhoto: highlight the photos, select “email” under the ”Share” menu at the top of the screen, and select “Actual size (Full Quality);” and
  • If sending from a phone: Click on share icon for the picture you would like to share. When the size of photo menu pops up, select “Actual size.”