Morning Math
Morning Math is a weekly before school enrichment program (typically on Wednesdays from 7:45 am - 8:30 am) open to all students in grades 3 - 5. It is designed to provide further challenges in problem solving. This program is not intended for math ALP students.The goal is to create a small voluntary group setting where students are motivated to work together to solve challenging math problems and discuss individual approaches to problem solving.
Updates will be announced in the BTW.
When registration is available, please register via your Membership Toolkit account under My Account --> Forms/Paperwork.
Please enter through the side door by 7:45 am. Please remember to only leave the children if the flag is hanging at the back door. If there is no flag there is not an adult there to meet them and it is not safe to leave them there alone. For more plaza/parking lot safety information click here.